Stay at Home Joeys Alumni Quiz
CONGRADULATIONS TO Alexander Fay who was the first entrant with the most correct answers.
Well done!!
See all the answers below ->
Win a set of Creative Headphones donated by Joeys Past Pupil campany CREATIVE by completing as many of the questions below by Friday 10th April at 8pm.
To enter submit your answers to by the closing time.
Best of luck!!!
Example question and answer
365 D in a Y -> ANSWER is -> 365 Days in a Year
- S 1913, P by WBY September 1913, Poem by William Buttler Yeats
- the RL is 125 KML the River Liffey is 125 Kilometres Long
- 11 P on a ST 11 Players on a Soccer Team
- N 9 in RU is the SH Number 9 in Rugby Union is the Scrum Half
- 16/08/1977 E P D 16/08/1977 Elvis Presley Died
- C-19; WYH’s Covid-19; Wash Your Hands
- the LLS with RT the Late Late Show with RT
- A: M21 to A20 Aries: March 21 to April 20
- CNA was the 1st M on the M Commander Neil Armstrong was the 1st Man on the Moon
- T’s C is F of G Tuesday's Child is Full of Grace
- S F: 1918-1920 Spanish Flu: 1918-1920
- J 1st, 1999 the E was A January 1st, 1999 the Euro was Adopted
- 23 A 1014, B of C 23 April 1014, Battle of Clontarf
- L, 925 M H Lugnaquilla, 925 Meters High
- H, WH a P Houston, We Have a Problem
- P the T R Paint the Town Red
- É A na C 1916 Éirí Amach na Cásca 1916
- W the S H N N Where the Streets Have No Name
- B, LM, the E and AC; U 2’s B M Bono, Larry Mullins, the Edge and Adam Clayton; U 2’s Band Members
- T B to H L & L T N to H L A A Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all
- D, 2019 A-I S F C Dublin, 2019 All-Ireland Senior Football Champions
- the M 50 is 45.5 KML the M50 is 45.5 Kilometres Long
- U B 11 T W C Usain Bolt 11 time World Champion
- 1st i R in 2007 1st iPhone Released in 2007
- I K is the F of I Ingvar Kamprad is the Founder of IKEA
- S L By B Single Ladies by Byoncé
- K, the S for P K, the Symbol for Potassium
- M C, 1st W to W the N P Marie Curie, 1st woman to Win the Nobel Prize
- C is the L C in I Cork is the Largest County in Ireland
- *S J C B S, F St Josephs CBS, Fairview
- the H has 4 C the Heart has 4 Chambers
- the P, D S S C to M the Police, Don’t Stand So Close to M
- V is the H P in the S S Venus is the Hottest Planet in the Solar System
- the O G are H E 4 Y the Olympic Games are Held Every 4 Years
- 2nd M 1980 the B R P L C 2nd March 1980 the Boomtown Rats Play Leixlip Castle
- Y P a F T to L M, L You Picked a Fine Time to Leave Me, Lucille
- 239 M M F the E to the M 239 Million Miles From the Earth to the Moon
- T K A M, H L To Kill A Mocking Bird, Harper Lee
- 17 M, L F P 17 March, Lá Féile Padraig
- 31a DBR, T S to H S 31a Dublin Bus Route, Talbot Street to Howth Summit
- an A and a L an Arm and a Leg
- S C P J B in 7 F Sean Connery Player James bond in 7 Films
- W is the C of N Z Wellington is the Capital of New Zealand
- *the G S C D, R the Grove Social Club Disco, Raheny
- J-Z is M to B Jay-Z is Married to Byoncé
- 20,000 S U the S, P H 20,000 Streets Under the Sky, Patrick Hamilton
- T T S S, J L C Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, John Le Carré
- O U a T in H Once Upon A Time in Hollywood
- *K C 2, K of E, S & I 1649 - 1651 King Charles 2 King of England Scotland & Ireland 1649 - 1651
- *F C, 1st E of C (1728-1799) Francis Caulfeild, 1st Earl of Charlemont (1728-1799)
- T T L S Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
- L G’s 60 S Q Larry Gogan’s 60 second Quiz
- P of A, 430 BC Plague of Athens, 340 BC
- B B B S Baa Baa Black Sheep
- T with S O’R Today with Sean O’Rourke
- S, S, W Y D the F? Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the Fandango?
- C 3407 F H Carrauntoohil, 3407 Feet High
- 20 T in the E P L 20 Teams in the English Premier League
- C 4’s T L L Channel 4’s The Last Leg
- 2020 C Y of the R 2020 Chinese Year of the Rat
- the 7 D the 7 Dwarfs
- the R V is 2190 M L The River Volga is 2190 Miles Long
- 48 C in E 48 Counties in England
- T B O N T B: T I T Q To Be Or Not To Be: That Is The Question
- the B of 2020 - S D The Buzzword of 2020 - Social Distancing
Competition CLOSED on Friday 10th April at 8pm
The competition is open to anyone within the Joeys community; past pupils, teachers, students, parents past and president and friends of the school.
To enter send your numbered answers to
Include your
1. Name
2. Link to Joeys
3. email address
All entrants automatically join the Joeys Alumni Network and subcsribe to its notifications. You can unsubscribe at any time.
Have fun!!!
